Cute Rocking Baby Monkey

Rabu, 03 Februari 2016

Check This Out! and Play The Game!

Teka Teki Bahasa Inggris
*Nomer di setiap baris menurun
1.someone who declarate about 3rd law we learn at chemist lesson
2. spend too much money
3. the orange ball game used to in nokia
4. the most popular puzzle games
5. a robber in indonesia that rob someone on the way , and after it killing the one who robbed
6. fiction character that will always be a child forever
7. trying to get attention from someone
8. main character in film "The Lord Of The Rings"
9. home material that have red colour
10. Father's soulmate
11. usually do it when you feel sleepy
12. Someone who always treated by doraemon
13. same meaning with pushy ; not showing due respect for another person
14. synonim of rich
15. what is the lesson we learning now?
16. rain heavly in american engllish
17. practice makes .....    jika sudah, dapatkah anda menemukan sebuah kalimat? apa artinya?        

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