Cute Rocking Baby Monkey

Rabu, 03 Februari 2016

Example of Autobiography

Autobiography of Nabila Azka Namirah 

            My name is Nabila Azka Namirah. I was born on May 28, 1999. I was born in Muhamadiyah hospital. Beside with my parents, I used to live in soldier’s dorm at tongkeng street with my grandfather and my grandmother. I used to live in soldier’s dorm because my grandfather  was a soldier. My father was a goverment official and my mother was a doctor. My mother should go to Banjar as general practicioner of public health center for 2 years. So, she took me with her and lived in banjar. My grandmother and my aunt also lived there to helped my  mother, so I could be treated when my mother couldn’t. After my mother finished her practice, we moved to Cilawu Garut and lived in my grandmother house.
            I used to love drawing. When I realized the time that my parents would back home, I told my aunt to call them so I could have drawing books or another new drawing material although it just a pencil. I also loved reading book especially the book that contained many picture in there. I also loved to singing and dancing. But when I turned 13 years old, I loved reading book, watching film, listening to music and traveling more.
            I was school in An-nur kindergarten and Persis Tarogong 76 elementary school. I continued My studying in Tsanawiyah Persis Tarogong. I used to leave My grandmother house and lived in dorm for 6 month. But I was sick and decided to live in the house again. After I graduated from tsanawiyah, I continued to Senior High School of 1 Garut (SMAN 1 Garut) until now. It’s very strange, because i was school in a goverment school. I used to school  in islamic school before that. The air still the same. But the condition of studying was very different. First, i felt so threatened.  I though it was like in war. But it just the first. Day by day, everything just seems to be okay.
            I never achieved something big. But, I’m  proud of myself of what I could do. because of being positive, I could compose a song for my task when I was in first grade in SMAN 1 Garut. And I could be the first winner with my group in the band show.
I want to be a Doctor. It’s not because my mother was a doctor. But i have my own reason why i choosed it. People usually think to be a doctor is very cool. But it’s not to receive that’s cool. I just want my knowledge will be used in the future. I will try my best to use all knowledge that i have.
I lived with motto that “you have to keep your princip and don’t be afraid for uncertain thing, if that’s a good thing, just trust and do it because Allah always be there.” Although I was not too bright in my grades, I kept studying and wish for the best. Because I knew that everyone had her or his way that written in God’s note.

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